Stakeholder Communication
Identify Organizational Context and Stakeholder
Collect organizational context
Phihong convened members of the Sustainability Development Committee to identify sustainability topics relevant to internal and external operational activities. External topics included international sustainability standards and regulations, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), industry benchmark sustainability issues, external advocacy, and stakeholder concerns. Internal topics included operational philosophies, sustainability strategy blueprints, and organizational goals. A total of 84 operational activities were collected, and after discussions among department
colleagues and senior executives of each business unit, 17 sustainability topics were finalized.
Sustainability context and topics
International sustainable standards and norms
Refer to GRI Sustainability
Reporting Standards, SASB
(Accounting Industry Standards), Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), Carbon
Disclosure Project (CDP) and other international sustainability standards.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Evaluate the 17 SDGs Goals and
the 169 Targets they cover, and
filter out the 14 indicators to which PHIHONG can contribute.
Industry Benchmark Topics
Topics of concern to domestic and international sustainability leaders, peers and cross-sector benchmark companies.
External Sustainability Initiatives
Sustainability initiatives that
PHIHONG participated in,
including 2050 net zero carbon emissions, SBTi, SDGs, UNGC, etc.
Stakeholders Concerned Topics
Topics of concern to PHIHONG’s 7 major stakeholders, as well as sustainability experts, consultants and scholars who are familiar with the industry.
Prudent Governance
- Corporate governance and risk
management - Operational performance
- Integrity and compliance
Suppliers & Partnerships
- Sustainable supply chain
management - Information security and
customer privacy - Procurement best practices management
Environment Protection
- Climate change adaptation
- Energy and greenhouse gas management
- Water resource management,
waste management - Hazardous substance
Innovation & Value Creation
- Green research and innovation (including low-carbon product
design, transition to circular economy)
Inclusive Society
- Talent attraction and retention
- Employee benefits and diversity
equality - Talent cultivation and development
- Occupational health and safety
- Community investment and
Identify stakeholders
To ensure that the information disclosed in the report aligns with stakeholder expectations, through the definition of stakeholders by including 3 major topics: “those for whom the organization has responsibility, those who are affected by the organization’s operations, or those who affect the organization’s operational performance”, we collected a list of stakeholders related to Phihong. We referred to the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards. We also adopted the AA1000SES Stakeholder Engagement Standard 2015 edition, which comprises 5 principles: responsibility, influence, tension, diversity of perspectives, and dependency. Stakeholders were evaluated based on their responsibility, influence, tension, diversity of perspectives, and dependency on Phihong. This process identified 7 key stakeholder categories for Phihong. Surveys were then distributed to internal and external stakeholders to gauge their level of interest and concern.
Who do we have obligations to?
Whom we are legally, financially or operationally liable
Government / Investors (shareholders) / Customers / Employees
Who are we going to influence externally?
Stakeholders who will be affected by the organization operation.
Customers / Investors (shareholders) / Suppliers / Government / Local Community / Industry / NPO/NGO
Who will influence our business?
Stakeholders who will affect the organization’s business performance
Customers / Suppliers / Employees / Investors (shareholders)/ Government / Media

Survey on Critical Topics
Thank you for your interest in Phihong Technology. Our company publishes a CSR report every year, and transparently and openly discloses our economic, environmental, and social information to the public through our website.
To make the disclosure of information more in line with the expectations of stakeholders, we encourage you to provide assistance if your time permits. Please take the time to complete this questionnaire on an anonymous basis and provide feedback. Your action will help Phihong understand your concerns and inform future disclosures in the report. In addition, if you have any related questions, you are welcome to contact us. We will try our best to explain to you. Once again, thank you for your assistance.